In the March 8th edition of the Dahlonega Nugget, 5th-grade teacher at Lumpkin Elementary, Tori Jones said, "Recently, my fifth-grade science students had the opportunity to learn how their heart works by dissecting a pig heart. Working in pairs with a heart, students were able to look into the chambers, see the valves, and measure the thickness of chamber walls as they dissected. In preparation for the big day, Dr. Petro, a local physician, visited to help students learn the names of the chambers and valves, and the path of blood flow. Hands-on learning experiences get kids excited about science and learning, and relate to the real world. Thank you to Dr. Petro and to the many volunteers that came to assist students with the dissection. This incredible educational experience would not have happened were it not for the funding support that I received from the Lumpkin County Education Foundation. The project cost of $500 to provide for the 97 students in the grade level was well over the amount that is allocated to me for purchasing yearly supplies, so the project had been put on hold. When I received an email informing teachers that the LCE Foundation was up and running and ready to take proposals, I immediately replied with my pig heart dissection project. The students and I were elated to find that they saw value in the project and chose to provide funding. Thank you, Lumpkin County Education Foundation! I am grateful to those individuals who contributed to the LCE Foundation and have recently decided to contribute myself by making a monthly payroll deduction. I can hardly wait to see the wonderful educational opportunities that will take place at our schools in the future with help from citizens who care about the education of Lumpkin County’s future leaders."